'From the Hands of Braddock' is the seventh show from the Braddock Coalition and will have new comic books from Mikal Fikaris / Stefan Neville, Tim Danko and Aaron O'donnell. Opening 6-9pm Tuesday 16th December at seventh gallery inc: 155 Gertrude st. Fitzroy w/ very special guests Pumice (nz) playing live and hands on experiences from the famous Nat 'n Ali. + Closing Party 3-9pm Saturday 20th Dec w/ performances from Devilshark, Stepchild, Strunt, Lachlan Conn, Kieran Mangan and the collaborations of L.C.D cultural industries... ...if you're able to attend either of these events you will undoubtedly see, hear and maybe even feel the motivation and divine ammunition of this silent army.